A graduate of Fordham University, Connie is the author of the novel, "The Tale Not Told", and novelette "The Frankenstein Epilogue". She has co-authored and directed at PCM Theatre since its inception in 2006, bringing with her nearly 40 years of experience directing for the stage.

Ken has been writing creatively ever since he learned how to form a complete sentence; so basically for a few months now. Seriously, he wandered through the writing wilderness for many years - a lot of poetry, some song lyrics, a few failed attempts at screenplays. But he had the great fortune of stumbling into playwriting with the founding of PCM Theatre. And it has changed his life immeasurably. The entire process - from initial idea, to the many months of crafting a script, to assembling the talent and getting to watch them make the words come to life - is a lot of hard work. But it's also a humbling and rewarding experience every single time. Ken is happy to call PCM home and is honored to work alongside the creative team PCM has put together over the last decade. Friends in life, friends on the stage. May the Force be with us all, always!

Graphic Designer
Hailey studied graphic design at The College of New Jersey and can often be found late at night with the glow of Photoshop reflected in her eyes. Using her education from TCNJ, Hailey has turned her self-taught passion into a resource for her clients, one of whom is PCM Theatre, a group that is close to her heart. With a passion for the stage spanning over ten years, Hailey has dedicated her expertise and time to both performing and working behind the scenes. Hailey’s talents can be seen on display across the PCM website, their seasonal production programs, and occasionally on the stage. It is her delight and pleasure to be of service in every way to the exceptional team of people who've kept PCM Theatre going for so many years.